Eco-friendly manufactured homes with sustainable materials are growing in popularity across Shepherdsville. Because they’re built in sections, modular homes take about half the time to complete compared to site-built homes in areas like Shepherdsville. Many modular businesses focus on sustainability, modern design, and speed in their marketing campaigns.
Mobile homes may be taxed as personal property rather than real estate unless on a permanent foundation. Modular homes increasingly incorporate modern design elements, including sleek lines and open spaces. In rural areas near Shepherdsville, manufactured homes may be exempt from certain zoning requirements. Unlike manufactured homes, modular homes can be built with multiple stories. Modular companies use social media to showcase modern designs and attract younger buyers.
Some nonprofit groups and cooperatives offer affordable mobile home living in organized communities. In areas like Shepherdsville, modular businesses are gaining market share due to high housing demand. Smart home technology integration is a growing trend in modular homes.