Once on-site, modular homes undergo local inspections to ensure compliance with local building codes. They’re often built to the HUD (U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development) code, which includes standards for safety, energy efficiency, and construction.
Common sizes are 14x70 feet for single-wides and 24x48 feet for double-wides. Some manufacturers now offer solar panel integration, appealing to environmentally conscious buyers. Modern manufactured homes are built with high wind resistance to minimize storm-related risks. Many older mobile homes can be retrofitted with updated interiors, roofing, and insulation for improved comfort. Manufactured homes undergo extensive factory inspections to ensure quality and adherence to HUD codes.
Manufactured homes are increasingly seen as a solution to the affordable housing crisis in many areas. Some businesses offer land and development services, bundling land purchase with modular construction in areas like Muncie. Mobile homes are particularly vulnerable to wind, so some are anchored with straps to increase stability. Many modular homes qualify for green certifications due to sustainable building practices in Muncie. Some parks in Muncie have age restrictions, often 55+, creating communities specifically for older adults.