In areas like Lima, modular businesses are gaining market share due to high housing demand. Common sizes are 14x70 feet for single-wides and 24x48 feet for double-wides. In rural areas near Lima, manufactured homes may be exempt from certain zoning requirements. Modular homes increasingly incorporate modern design elements, including sleek lines and open spaces popular in Lima.
Modular homes can feature large windows, minimalistic designs, and natural materials. Some nonprofit groups and cooperatives offer affordable mobile home living in organized communities. Vintage mobile homes from the 50s and 60s are now popular as collectibles and often remodeled with retro décor.
Modular homes often fare well in natural disasters due to robust construction standards. Factory construction enables modular home manufacturers to tightly control quality and reduce errors. Some nonprofit groups and cooperatives offer affordable mobile home living in organized communities around Lima. Manufactured homes offer an affordable entry point for first-time homeowners.